Friday, February 8, 2013

My cup runneth over

Today was a really long day.  Winter storm Nemo hit us at about two while I was a twenty minute walk back to my dorm.  It snowed buckets and has not stopped since then.  It is all very pretty and people are excited about it, which makes me happy.  Excitement breathes life into the campus.  I had a really fun afternoon with my friends.  I am realizing more and more every day how amazing, caring, fun, unique, and beautiful they all are.  I could not ask for a better group of people to spend my days with.  I watched Flicka with Lisa, and during the climax of the movie, Anna called to have us come outside and see her snow sculpture.  We look out the window and she is standing in the middle of the field in the dark.  Suddenly tons of wind comes barreling through picking up the snow so that we can no longer see her.  We immediately jump in to action to rescue her from the arctic freeze.  Once well prepared with coats, hats, gloves, and scarves, we head out into the thick in search of our friend.  We find her making a snow angel in the blizzard next to the Tower of Isenguard that she had built.  She is nothing but snow and smiles.  The lights of campus were reflecting off all the snow, making the night glow.  There are students out everywhere throwing snowballs and sledding and laughing into the night.  My two friends start frolicking (there is no better word to describe it) through the snow laughing gleefully.  And in this moment I am pure happiness, through and through.  The magic of the beautiful setting and my joyously happy friends takes me from head to toe.  It is one of those rare moments that I have had in my life where I feel like everything is right and in balance, that I am living life as it was meant to be lived, that there is absolutely nowhere else in the entire world that I would rather be than right there, and that this world is full of love and joy just waiting for permission to shine.  I am not going to forget this night, as I have not forgotten the other moments in my life when this has occurred.

I am so thankful to be blessed with such a rich life and better friends than I could ever ask for.

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